As an entrepreneur, business owner, wife, mom and community service involved individual I am busy. It seems as though days fly by without a moment to take a breath. Yet, our health and this body is the most important thing we have. If we run ourselves into the ground, then what will be left for all the things the successful individual desires to do? I remember a time in college when I was spread too thin and not making the right health choices. Triple shot espresso latte’s at night, and struggling to find food I could eat out so settling for a weak salad that left me starving and snacking later. I know better now and get to help others make healthier choices. Now, I’m sure those don’t seem like the worst choices ever, but everything will add up over time. I was exhausted, overstimulated and under nourished. Many entrepreneurs struggle with the ability to be healthy when life doesn’t give them well… any give. Greasy fast food, late night steaks, wine dinners, early mornings with no breakfast at all may seem like the crown of “I’m getting so much done” but in reality it sets us up to fail… something so successful person wants to hear or be. I learned the hard way that if your body isn’t working, then neither is your ventures. An unhealthy and malnourished person is less likely to have as much energy, mental clarity, memory and life span as their healthier counterparts. This means you may be working harder, but not being as productive as those that are actually taking care of themselves. So what’s the solution? Do you have to completely reprioritize your life and put everything on hold to get your health back on track? NO NOT AT ALL! Being healthy is actually way simpler that most people make it out to be. You can spend minimal time tweaking just a few things in your life to produce the health you and businesses deserve. As a certified holistic health coach to entrepreneurial women, I recommend making small sustainable changes over time vs. jumping on a diet. Try these 3 small tweaks to start getting more productive and healthier so you can work and live on the next level. 1. Get another 15 Z’s. “AHHHH!!” “Is she REALLY telling me I need to get more sleep??” Yes I am, and before you tune out, listen in for productivity sake. If you get an extra 15 minutes of sleep each night for a week, it would add up to almost two hours more in your weekly sleep bank. I think we can all afford an extra 15 minutes right? I mean, all you have to do is cut those cat videos out and… wa-la! Ways to help yourself get that extra 15 minutes a night are setting an alarm 15 minutes earlier than you usually go to bed or have your outfit laid out, coffee brewed and papers packed in the morning so you can sleep in an extra 15. Want a challenge? Try adding 30 minutes on to your daily sleep span and see how you feel. The extra sleep might just make you TWO TIMES as productive!. For tips how to fall asleep faster, check out my video on falling asleep faster HERE. 2 Breakfast is your new assistant. “I already have 5 assistants” you may say. Well congratulations, you just got another! Eating breakfast is a PRIORITY in your life and will help you be more productive at work. Skipping breakfast can keep your energy low, blood sugar in flux all day and keep you in a bad mood. Fueling your body first thing in the morning helps increase the ability to focus though the day and sharpens the minds ability to remember tasks. This can be beneficial for things like writing, presentations and delegating task. Imagine spending just five more minutes either at night or in the morning throwing something healthy together that keeps your blood sugar high and stable. Really that’s all it takes! I recommend to my clients a low sugar/ high protein and moderate to high fat breakfast for sustained energy and slow burning fuel. Here are some quick 5-minute breakfasts that will give you more focus and productivity for the day. 1. Bullet proof coffee (my breakfast of choice). You can read more about it HERE and just so you know… Butter is good for you (grass fed that is). Increase your metal focus and fat burning by making this quick option a daily routine. If you aren’t about coffee or trying to cut back, check out for swapping your coffee for cocoa beans. I made the swap and love it. 2. Organic oatmeal + almond butter + berries + flax meal. This breakfast has the right type of carbs, proteins and fats to keep you full and focused all day! It’s easy and can be prepped the night before. 3. Sprouted whole-wheat (or gluten free) toast with avocado and organic wild caught salmon. Ok, ok… this one’s is a little fancy, but this is one of my favorite breakfasts. You can prep everything the night before and really start out your day nourishing yourself and being oh so luxurious. 4. Whole fat unsweetened Greek yogurt (or coconut yogurt, my favorite) with black berries, hemp hearts and walnuts. This is a great way to start your day and is really low carb/sugar for those of you wanting to add more protein in. P.s. fat is good!!! Ditching the fat sets you up for craving later on and eating more sugar. Keep the fat. Another tip, add CINNAMON – it balances your blood sugar. 5. Eggs, spinach and black beans: The Slow Carb Diet, Tim Ferris’ breakfast of choice. Probably one of the simplest ones on the list, this is a great way to get perfect portions of each macro nutrient you need while also making things simple! You can check out his blog and how-to video HERE. 3. Eat out the right way When you are in business or on the go all day it’s hard to eat healthy or make the right decisions. Late nights eating out or quick lunches make for not-so-healthy choices. However, being aware of better options at your favorite places can help you fuel your body and keep your energy up (not to mention keep your waistline in check). I recommend two different things to the people I work with: one's general guidelines (for something like a gourmet steak house) and healthier options out (for a quick lunch at a fast food places). Here are general guidelines when eating out: Try your best to go for a healthy source of protein, as many veggies as you can and a healthy and well-portioned carb. Aim for ½ your plate of veggies, ¼ protein and ¼ healthy carb serving. This could be whole wheat or gluten free pasta with chicken and a side salad. Try for a smaller portion of the pasta or only eat half. If you're ordering a large steak, try a 4-6 oz. Really, that’s all the meat you need to satiate your steak craving. Make sure your steak comes with as many veggies as you can get, and a smaller (1/4 plate) of mash potatoes. If you’re really feeling like upping your energy, swap the potatoes for another serving of veggies! Focus on getting as many veggies on your plate as possible. Also, moderate your alcohol and deserts. Your colleagues may be chugging but you do not have to. Opt for red wine and just one glass as the best option for a drink, and for desserts go for something that is small, you can share and is lower in sugar like a flourless chocolate cake vs. Ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce. And…. Here are 5 healthier options at popular restaurants I recommend to my clients: 1. Chipotle or Mexican food. Swap a sour cream burrito with a salad bowl topped with black beans/ meat of choice and guacamole. If you must get a tortilla, go for corn not wheat. Cutting at least half the dairy and adding more whole food options will crush your afternoon lull. 2. Samaria jacks or Asian cuisine. Opt out of a large bowl of yakisoba and instead, go for some steamed veggies, brown rice and a healthy portion of protein. Get your sauce on the side and don’t use all of it. 3. Italian food. Like above, choose between bread and pasta, not both. Choose protein and veggies to go with you carb of choice for balanced energy. 4. Subway. Rather than a foot long with white bread, swap it for whole wheat, gluten free or even better, no bread at all. Subway now offers a salad of any sandwich you like. Just by choosing to forgo the bread you will have extended mental clarity all day. Get as many veggies as you can, and instead of processed dressing try oil and vinegar, it’s delicious! 5. Fast food drive through like McDonald or Wendy’s. I would hope that you wouldn’t have to resort to this. However, when you’re limited to true fast food try this swap. Instead of a burger and a bun see if you can get a grilled chicken wrap with a side salad. Avoided breaded and deep fried things and go for grilled, baked or salads with protein. Skip the soda and get soda water with lemon. I hope these small tweaks help you along your journey to a healthier and more productive you! Chloe Gower – Certified Holistic Health Coach – Founder of The Freedom Digest Vision has been on the front of my mind for days, months, years. Most people ask the same question. “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”. It’s a legitimate question and creates provoking thoughts but for the most part in my experience this question is often answered with “I don’t know” or “I could be X or Y it all depends if Z happens for me first”. So what’s happening? Are you driving the car? Or... are you sitting in the back of an uber without giving the person a location or directions and hoping they find your house? It feels that way when we say when I get this next job then I’ll figure it out... or when I finish Grad School or I’ll wait until my big next idea hits me. So why are we waiting and afraid to declare we want something? Because it’s bold, it’s scary, it’s uncomfortable, it’s permanent, there’s a right answer and I have to find it. Who am I to think I deserve X or Y or Z? How the heck am I going to figure out what I want if I don’t know how to get there? "Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -Harriet Tubman In the personal development world vision isn’t a new concepts but still the question gets asked all the time… why? Because people don’t know. I didn’t know. We are taking risks here and there and feeling like “OK that’s enough for today don’t want to get too crazy”... myself included. What happens is we suffocate any dreaming big because we don’t know how to fan the flame. I created an exercise for you all to do that will support your vision of dreaming big. Take all the categories in your life. Family, money, career, relationships, travel, romance… Write out for each category your vision based on the following prompts (categories on the left and three prompt across top):
Next… copy and paste column 1 & 2’s answers to column 2 & 3. So column “... I’m so angry” is the new “... I could have done more” then create a new “... never thought that was possible”. Repeat… What we are doing is creating possibility and shoot for the stars and landing on the moon. Living in that possibility and breaking that limiting self belief. By not putting limitations and being upset that your initiation dream is disappointing gives you the power and right to dream big. Why not? Give this a try and let me know how it felt! By not asking for help you rob people of the feeling of support. You being a lone wolf only makes you a taker in society. We have been groomed by corporations to be taught to be entrepreneurs, self-starters and work independently. But what good does that do when we aren’t able to help each other or learn how to support in an efficient way.
More specifically here are 3 reasons why to ask for support...
I’ve been learning a lot of lessons about leadership and finding the above to be a challenge as I become a better leader. Where I struggle is if I don’t invoke a purpose/vision and assume people will just help me based on my own work ethic then I will fail. More often then not people will show up uninspired or not at all. The extra work of uninspired workers falls back on the leader who then won’t have time or energy or patience to acknowledge those that do show up others which leads to resentment from the support team and leader and a bad experience. *deep breathe* Where I have success is if I do invoke a purpose/vision for doing something. Even if it’s for something small how can that person feel empowered or fulfilled by supporting me. And showing that by even asking for help and being vulnerable I’m creating an environment for more help and more vulnerability which sets us up for long term success. My request of you is to really connect with the people on your team, tribe, family, etc. Acknowledge them, be grateful and of course hold them accountable. That’s being a giver not a taker. Starting March 1st a limited number of full-time coaching spots will be available for my coaching program. If you are interested and haven't already please schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery coaching session today! **SPACE IS LIMITED** Contact us!
Very much like my week this song starts off upbeat peaks, mellows out, peaks then mellows... Love an amazing upbeat tune with ridiculous guitar solo's from the GREATEST guitar play of all time... IMO :)
David HallNormal guy with comedic tendencies... introverted with extroverted tendencies... yogi with stressful tendencies... over 30 years old with under 30 year old tendencies Archives
November 2017