![]() How many times have you gone “all in” and started something with the intention to never slow down? And when you do slow down you beat yourself up? And then you feel like you ruined the momentum and there’s no point in picking it back up because you’ve wasted time? If this is you… It’s OK! You are not alone. My intention with starting a blog on personal development was really about expressing and sharing my story to empower others. I got caught up in the mechanics of needing to post at specific times and if I didn’t it was inefficient. I know I’ve made an impact and that I’m living my vision based on feedback I’ve received. These past few months have been so incredibly powerful. However, I’ve had such a difficult time actually sitting down and reflecting on what I normally would reflect on. I completed a really big milestone last month and jumped right back into the fire without taking a break. I had been in this mindset that if I do X, then Y is going to suffer so I was continuously letting different areas of my life suffer at the expense of being obligated/loyal to others. I created results that have excited me yet have impacted my daily, weekly and monthly routines, causing them to fall to the side. Living in a new way of being intentional with my actions, I’ve accelerated growth in both leadership and starting fresh has instilled a new sense of focus and purpose. Having said all this what has been coming up as a theme for me is creating win/win or “both and” as a few of my coaches and trainers have coined. For me, I thought for a long time that I am limited in my amount of time, energy, money, love, etc. that I am able to give out. If I put my energy into one thing then I’m taking away from another. And that mindset has really created such limiting beliefs, not allowing me to even entertain the possibility of having both. Hence, why such a long break in blogs. To be clear... the break I’ve taken has been intentional in the sense that I created a block for myself where I’ve been attached to the result of quality and not just doing things to check a box. What hasn’t been intentional is falling back into a mindset of “either or”. Instead of being focused on a few things I shifted to be focused on a lot of things. What happened was being open and focused on more things created being closed off to the possibility that other areas got to suffer. I’m sure many people can relate… think of parents who chose work over family. Or vice versa parents who chose to stay at home and raise children over pursuing dreams/career. Neither is right or wrong however both stand that one has to suffer over the other. I know when I have a lot going on and things start to flow traditionally I’ve chased that “feeling” of being accomplished and relied on that as momentum to fuel my drive. This has caused me to cut corners and not do my best work because I’m focused on the result instead of my way of being. If I’m checking boxes to check boxes my work is going to suffer. I’ve made huge strides here and I’m not perfect and the awareness of being able to catch myself and shift has been such a gift. I’ve set my foundation and have prepared for what I get to execute on and know it’s not going to be perfect. I get to be OK with that. I’m not intending for screw ups but if I’m unable to be confident and flow and be creative then I’m doing myself a disservice. I’m excited that I’ve created a support network, structure and vision for my next phase of where I get to take my passions and career and life. Now is the fun part, I get to put action into place on the plan. And in order to be successful in this I get to continue to practice creating “both and” because if I’m letting other areas of my life suffer at the expense of creating success in other areas I’m not setting myself up to win in the long run. I invite you to create “both and” in your life as well. This doesn’t mean signing up for everything under the sun. It means be open to all possibilities that by creating a state of mind of being able to do it all, things will fall into place. Maybe not how you envision them however that’s where you get to not be attached to the result. It might mean that you get support or you get to do a smaller portion of what you wanted. Not to sacrifice one part of your life in order to serve the other. Living in the possibility of being open to being able to negotiate what you want and if you can’t make that happen by being in that mindset I am open to Going forward, you can count on at least 2 blogs per month. With very well thought out content that will support you the reader in your own personal development journey! I’m excited to continue to share and empower others to grow. |
David HallNormal guy with comedic tendencies... introverted with extroverted tendencies... yogi with stressful tendencies... over 30 years old with under 30 year old tendencies Archives
November 2017